3 Little Technique Improvements for Fast Jump Rope Results

Today we want to discuss 3 quick and simple fixes that will help you improve your speed jump rope techniques. One of the biggest things that hold jump ropers back in further skill development is simply not analysing their own form and identifying the areas that are causing the problems. Whenever I begin to trip up, I like to jump rope in front of a mirror so I can start critiquing my own form and technique until I identify where it is breaking down so I can make the proper fix.

Before we Begin...

Before you get into the common jump rope errors, I just wanted to let you know that we recently published an amazing new guide for jump rope beginners. Check it out here:

Learn How to Jump Rope: The Complete Beginner's Guide to Jump Rope Training

Top 3 Jump Rope Technique Errors Revealed

From my experience in working with hundreds of jumpers at various speed jump rope clinics, I have identified 3 major errors in 3 different areas as follows:

  1. Proper rope rotation
  2. Arm positioning
  3. Jump mechanics

Let’s dive into each of these so you know what to look for in determining whether you are on the right track or if you need to pay extra attention to any of these areas.

1. Proper Rope Rotation

Many people have developed improper rope rotational technique through the use of poor quality jump ropes and many times habits they performed with the jump rope as a kid.

This most often shows up as a lot of arm movement.

You can immediately identify poor technique when you see your arms are bent at nearly a 90 degree angle. Essentially, rotating the rope by pivoting at the elbow joint.

Whereas, if your arms are nearly straight and palms are facing forward - this means that your wrists are the primary rotation drivers. This is important because it allows you to be more efficient with your turns which further allows you to pick up speed.

Conclusion: Using small circles with the wrist to rotate your rope will produce far better results and help you up your tempo for more effective workouts.

2. Arm Positioning

Proper arm positioning is equally important and can set you up for proper rope rotation.

The most important aspect for arm positioning is maintaining a consistent position while you are jumping and being symmetrical from one side to the other.

The best way to identify whether or not you're symmetrical is to film yourself while jumping and review the footage to identify any areas of concern. Jumping in front of a mirror is a great way to keep yourself accountable.

Conclusion: Maintain symmetry from one side to the other as well as from top to bottom for a more consistent and centred rope path to eliminate trip ups.

3. Proper Jump Mechanics

Last but not least, let's take a look at proper jump mechanics.

One of the most common mistakes I see jumper make is called the tuck jump.

The below image demonstrates what this poor technique looks like:

Jumping Rope in a garden

Maintaining nearly straight legs with the toes left hanging towards the ground. This is what I call ‘jump follow through’. You are pushing through the balls of your feet only utilising your calves and ankles to propel you up into the air.

Keep in mind that you only need to jump 1-3 inches off the ground to clear your rope. The faster you rotate your rope the lower you need to jump in order to get back on the ground for your next consecutive jump.

Conclusion: Very slight bend in the knee, jump through lower leg (calves and ankles), and jump low so you can regain ground contact quickly after rope passes beneath you for next jump.

As G.I. Joe always said, “Knowing is half the battle”.

You must know where the problem lies before you can fix it so identify your weaknesses and follow up by implementing any of these technique fixes into your form.

Do this and I know you will be more successful in developing your jump rope abilities.

Good luck!

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